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Growing Through It

Candace Lark

Updated: Apr 11, 2021

Hello Happy Musicians I started writing this blog thinking about the past 2 years. No one would know it (out of respect for others, i'm not going into detail) my husband and I have been going through a very serious, financial and health situation. Thinking about it reminded me of a quote from Robert Frost “The best way is through." and boy are we going through it. Yet, with everything that's going wrong, we are realizing so much is going right.

We are growing closer to each other, we're growing out of immature attitudes, and we're gaining a better understanding of how good we really have it.

We are getting a reality check about priorities, we're making a lot of changes that support mutual happiness and growth.

We are learning how much control we really have over our lives.

We also have been reminded that worrying doesn't solve anything.

We still have a ways to go but our situation has made us stronger, more grateful and aware of our purpose. It's true “what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.”

So what I want to share with you musicians is that when you think everything is going wrong, no matter how small or big, there is something going right. We grow the most when we’re in pain and discomfort. When you are going through life changing situations, your stretching and being molded. Your growing and learning so you're prepared for whatever else life is bringing your way.

Remember these 6 things when you're feeling overwhelmed with your situation.

  1. Stop In the midst of the chaos it's good to take a moment, breath calm yourself and evaluate the situation.

  2. Have a plan not tantrum Instead of becoming upset and allowing the situation to control you. Immediately start thinking of a plan to fix the situation. If need be, ask for help and delegate.

  3. Be Kind Not just to others, be kind to yourself. Don't be self-deprecating when you run into problems, It makes you and others feel worse. Worse It’s a waste of energy and very counter-productive.

  4. Keep Going Even if that means changing your approach completely. Your situation is temporary, you will be stronger and smarter after this.

  5. Talk About it You don't need to have a pitty party. Don't hide and be ashamed, you never know who can help you or who you can help. No Man is an island.

  6. Music Therapy You have the best anti anxiety, anti depressant, mood altering, stress reducer right at your fingertips. Use it.

"Tough times don't last, tough people do…”

Gregory Peck

If you're “growing through it”, I hope that this helps you now and in the future.

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