A story from my early days

A session with a client, last month reminded me about an interaction I had with a musician/manager while in college. This was in person, while packing up at the end of a gig. It went something like this:
Manager: you were great. Do you have availability next Saturday?
Me: thank you, im not booked yet, what's happening next Saturday?
Manager: There's a corporate event I'm hiring musicians for, and I think you would be a great fit.
Me: Nice, send me the details. You have my email, and I'll get back to ya ASAP.
Manager: I thought you said you were available, though.
Me: Currently, I am, but I need some more details about the event.
Manager: So, you're available, but may potentially not take the gig, even though you're available? I don't get it. Just let me know, and I'll send you the details.
Me: I would love to, but you didn't even tell me the pay, or where it's at, it might be to far. (At this point, I'm annoyed)
Manager: The location is (address omitted) New Jersey. The pay is $250.
Me: (thinking im still annoyed and that pay is low for a 2-hour drive, and I still don't have enough info) I know I'm a student,t but that's low for hauling my harp 2 hours.
Manager: you weren't doing anything anyway, so $250 more than what you would've had, right?
Me: yes and no, uh, look, I gotta run, email me the details and I'll let ya know.
Manager: ((((sighs)))) ok if that's how you wanna work it.
Me: (to myself) that was such a nice gig, we played well, and were paid well. Why did he do that? Smh
I asked for more money, they said no, so I said no also.
For a moment this guy had my young inexperienced mind convinced that I was nuts for not accepting on the spot. I almost said yes. (I think he was in his mid-30s, and I was 19 or 20.) As someone who had more experience, I viewed him in a slightly brighter light.
The fact that I was a student and he had a master's and was well-known made me second guess and almost crumble under his pressure. I thought well, he has a point I did say I wasn't booked yet. That didn't mean I wasn't doing anything. Actually, I had midterms and needed to study, but that's beside the point.
Have you experienced this pressure?
Is it still wreaking havoc on your career?
Let me take you back to this coaching session. We were able to trace current issues back to their senior year in high school. When they started taking gigs and the education of monetary value and artistic value started. I learned they had many interactions like the one you just read about. Sadly, they usually gave in, and this set the tone for their music career.
Sometimes, we have to look back before we move forward.
By addressing the underlying mindset challenges that contribute to burnout, stagnation, and unhappiness, I can help you build a fulfilling career built on self-worth, healthy boundaries, and a deep appreciation for your unique musical journey.
I want you to experience the transformative power of coaching. Gain clarity, confidence, and the tools you need to thrive as a musician – on your own terms.
A magical mix of life and career coaching, personal development, and music industry mentoring.